GAEL: The Second Degree, Part 2
Aleph, In the begining with God, the son, or first born161
Alkobeth, Ministers not ordained of God Sinful
Baethki The third patriarch: or right of the first born162
Bethkee; a place that has been e[n]larged that has been a place of residence; that has been a more fruitful garden. has been a larger place of happiness; hav[in]g had greater happiness163
Ebethkuaintrieth— a place beyond this earth a future place of existence, a place of residenden beyond this earth; the cecelestiale world; the heavenly bodies; the earth in its most sanctified state as it shall be= eternity.164
Hahdees=165 Another kingdom of wickedness, not so extensive in duration, whos which government is under another, which th under the government of one who is an enemy to God over which he has not so much power as the fi<r>st, being less entensive— in its duration.
Ho=hah=oop=— An intercessor; interce one who <has> is <been> appointed to intercede for another; invocation<;>
Jah=ni-hah =one who was delegated with redeeming power; one who was the second person in authority; a swift messenger; one that went before; having redeeming power; one who was second in authority
Jahoheh— The earth under the government of another, which is one of the fixed stars; which is called Oliblish.
Flo=ees The moon, signifying that which boroweth light, lendeth light, it being the lesser light.
Flos isis The King of day or the central moving planet, from which the other governing moving planets receive their light.— having a less motion— slow in its motion— The earth’s chief Joy.
Kliflosisis. time from the beginging of Creation to the flood:— or from fixed per[i]od to another fixed period: a messenger having performed certain acts, having been delegated with supreme power for a fixed period of time: hereditary, coming down from father to Son: right of authority from eight days old: according to the law of priesthood
Vehkliflosisis The same fixed star <planet> in its <motion> according to the cubit measurement of time. Four cubits: (that is from <the lenght> the end of the longest finger to the end of the other when the arms are extended: making in our measure seven feet, which is twenty=one inches to a cubit.) Twelve days are equal to four cubits. and
Kolob in the second degree. It signfies the wonder of Abraham the eldest of all the stars, the greatest body of the heavenly bodies that ever was discovered by man