GAEL: Part 1, The Fourth Degree
No. 1 [2.15]
Beth— sweet and precious to the smell
No. 2 [1.14]
Iota— me myself
Zub zool oan pointing to some particular subject
Ki- me myself
Oan pointing to some particular subject
ash compound of Zub zool oan
Ahbroam: a follower of righteousness a possesser of greater knowledge—
Ki ah broam, change from the first; by coming from the begining by right, ◊◊ <of>74birth, or lineage
Iota nitahveh ah que. Its signification is increased from the third degree five times.
Ahlish-= The first Being clothed with supreme glory.
Phah=eh Kingly power coming from some other Kingly power
Phauh Phaah Extending the Dominion, possession and power still further.
[1.4a, b]
Phah ho e oop =extension of power by marriage or by ordination, or annointing
Ho oophah. Queen who has been married the second time
Zi One possessing greater beauty, modesty and virtue, taught more perfectly
Kah tou mun. a lineage, a daughter of Ham.
Zi oop hah a beautiful virgin, one who is fair to look upon, and admired for her beauty
Ho e-oop a prince of the royal blood
a true desendant from Ham. the Son of Noah
Zip=Zi, under or beneath, second in right or in authority or government, a fruitful place, or a fruitful vine76
Zip Zi: all women: it took its origin from the earth yielding its fruit. And from the first woman who bore children; and men were multiplied upon the earth, and is used in this degree77 as a numeral by being inserted above or below another character: it increases by b[e]ing drawn above, it and signifies above, more, greater, more glorious, and when inserted under signifies beneath less smaller least.
Ho e oop hah= Kingly possessions— right of possession, title, dignity, honor.
Sue= To point out subjects78
Toan tau ee, tah ee, tah eh toues: exceeding bad adultery: having descended below some other principle
Iata81me myself
Iota toues Zip Z The land of Egypt discovered by a woman, who afterwards setled persons in it.
Sueehni The same as the first.82
Hoe-oop hah phaheh: A land, Kingdom or dominion governed by wise, upright kings or rulers, or jud[g]es or governors in administring equetable laws for the benefit and comfort of the poor; charity and favor to the poor
Zub=zool-eh: The first inhabitenits <in the garden <of> Eden>: <in> the first generations; in the first church
Zubeh saw in, or within;
Zub Having gone up to some particular place; for the act of going up to going up, climbing, ascending towards the sun
Zubzool Having pointed to some place= refering to any particular subject or thing as having came out from my fathers house
Zool: Sign[i]fying the lineage that lawfully hold the keys of the Kingdom of God by promise.
Bethka— pleasing, Beautiful, a place of exceeding great beauty— This should been inserted between Zubzooloan and Iota