GAEL: Part 1, The First Degree
No. 1 [2.15]
Beth= <Be=eth>113 This character is found on the fi[r]st degree It has an arbitrary sound or signification which is Beth; and also a compound sound which is Za,114 and comprises one simple sentince for its signifacation It is only increased or lessened in its signification by its connection with other characters. one connection with another character, gives it a compound signification, or enlarges the sentence: Two connections increases its signi fication still: Three increases it still: Four increases still. and five still, This is as far as a sentence can be carried in the first degree. In its arbitrary sound it may have more sounds than one, but can not have more than five sounds. When it is compounded with others, it can only have one sound.
No. 2 [1.14]
Iota or Ki Every character in this alphabet is subject
No. 3 [1.18]
Zub-Zool-oan}116 to the above restrictions
No. 4
Ki compoun<d>ed117
No. 5
Oan compound118 The signification of Beth is man’s first residence of Iota— The eye; of Zub-Zool, Oan, The begining of time;
No. 6 [5.28]
Ah=brah= <br>oam—119 <The> Father of the faithful. The first right— The elder
<Ki>Ahbroam: That which goes before, until another time, or a change by appointment, The first, faithful, or father, or fathers.
No. 7 [3.15]
Iota nitahveh ah que— a mark of distinction qualifying different degrees, increasing or lessening the power of the sentences according to their signification: as for instance qualifying different degrees, increasing or lessening the power of the sentences according to their signification: as for instance Iota nitahveh ah que: (as in the margin) signifies twenty120signifies “I saw twentyfive- persons,” or it signifies “twenfives persons”
No. 8 [1.1]
Ahlish= The name of the first being
No. 9 [1.2]
Pha<h>=eh— The first man.— Adam, first father
No. 10 [1.3]
Pha-ah— a more universel reign
No. 11 [1.4a, b]
Phah-ho-e-oop The lineage of the royal family
No. 12 [1.5]
Ho-oop=hah. Crown of a princes[s], or unmarried queen
No. 13 [1.6]
Zi— virgin or an u[n]married female
No. 14 [1.7]
Kah-tou-mun The name of a Royal family in the female line
No. 15 [1.8]
Zi-oop-hah An unmarried woman, a virgin
No. 16 [1.9]
Ho e oop A young unmarrid man; a prince
No. 17 [1.10]
Zip Zi— a woman married or unmarried or daughter, signifies all, or any woman
No. 18 [1.11]
Zip Zi— a woman married or unmarried or daughter, signifies all, or any woman
No. 20 [1.12]
Oan. The Earth
No. 21 [1.13]
Toan, toe tou=e◊ ee122 t◊ tah es ee toues toueh tou es.— A principle that is beneath, disgusting— not fit
No. 22 [1.14]
Iota= The eye, or I see:
No. 23 [1.15]
Iota toues-Zipzi: The land of Egypt
No. 24 [1.16]
Su-e-eh ni: who, whence,? &c an interrogative pronoun through its degrees
No. 25 [1.17]
Ho=e-oop=hah=Phah eh: Reign or rule, government,123 power, Kingdom or dominion
No. 26 [1.19]
Zubzool eh:— In the begining of the earth or creation.
Zub=eh To in bee in;
Zub— The first creation of any thing: the first institution; first principle;
Zubzool From the first to any stated period after
Zool: From any fixed period of time back to the begin[nin]g: