GAEL: The Fifth Degree, Part 1
No. 3 [5.27]
by inserting two straight lines, thus: (3) its signification is increased five times more.
No. 4 [5.27]
By inserting three straight lines,8 thus (4) its signification is again increased five times more than the last. By counting the numbers of st[r]aight lines and preseving them, or considering them as qualifying adjectives we9 have the degrees of comparison There are five connecting parts of speech in the above character, called Za-ki on10 hish These five connecting parts of speech, for verbs, participles— prepositions, conjuntions, and adverbs. In Translation Translating this chara[c]ter, this subject must be continued until there are as many of these connecting parts of speech used as there are connections or connecting parts found in the character. But whinever the character is found with11 one horizontal line, as at (2) the subject must be continued until twice <five times> the number of connecting parts of speech are used; or, the full sense of the writer is not conveyed. When two horizontal lines occur, the number of conne[c]ting parts of speech are continued five times furthr— or five degrees. And when three horizontal lines are found, the number of connections are to be increased five time further. The character alone has 5 parts of speech: increase by one straight line thus 5×5 is 25 by 2 horizontal lines thus 25 x 5 = 125; and by 3 horizontal lines thus:— 125 x 5 = 625
No. 5 [5.27]
When this character has a horizontal line under it it reduces it into the fourth degree, consequently it has but four connecting parts of speech.
No. 6 [5.27]
When it has two horizontal lines, it is rudeced into the third degree and has but three connecting parts of speech,
No. 7 [5.27]
and when it has three horizontal lines, it is reduced into the second degree and has but two connective parts of speech.14
No. 8 [5.27]
No 8 shows this character dissected.16
No. 9
Beth man’s first residence, a fruitful place, &c18
No. 9 [2.15]
Beth place of happiness, purity, holiness & rest21
Iata—22 see, saw seeing or having seen
Iata—22 see, saw seeing or having seen
Ash The same as Zub. Zool-oan
Bethka the greatest place of happiness exceeding extending beyond any thing This should be inserted between Iota and Zub Zool oan
10 [3.11a]
Kiah broam = Kiah brah oam = zub zool oan35
This character shown dissected
Ah lish43 The first Being— supreme intillegence; supreme power; supreme glory= supreme Justice; supreme mercy without begining of life or end of life comprehending all things, seeing all things: the invisible and eter[n]al godhead.
Phah eh. The first man, or Adam coming from Adam. Keys44 or right over Patriarchal right by appointment.
Phaah.45 The Largest riegn, the greatest dominion, possessions or power.
[1.4a, b]
Phah ho e oop—46 A king who has universal dominion, over all the earth.
Ho oop hah48 Queen Kah tou mun,49 a distinction of of Royal <female> lineage or descent, from her whom Egypt was discovered while it was under water, who was the daughter of Ham.— a lineage with whom a record of the fathers was intrusted by the tradition of Ham and accordding to the tradition of their elders; by who<m> also the tradition of the art of embalming in was kept.
Zi most virtuous, comely and beautiful, modest and chaste, being taught most perfectly and upright.
Kah tou mun:50 a lineage with whom a record of the fathers was intrusted by tradition of Ham, and according to the tradition of their elders, by whom also the tradition of the art of of embalming was kept.
Zi oop hah— A young virgin unmarried woman
Ho-e-oop51 A prince of the royal blood a true desendant from Ham, the son of Noah, and inheritor of the Kingly blessings from under the hand of Noah, but not according to the priestly blessing, because of the trangrissions of Ham, which blessing fell upon Shem from under the hand of Noah
Zip Zi-is the same of the fourth52 only increases or lessens five degrees.
Ho e oop hah—53 honor by birth, kingly power by the line of Pharoah. possession by birth one who riegns upon his throne universally— possessor of heaven and earth, and of the blessings of the earth.
Toan tou56 ee tahee tahee57 toues:58 under the Sun: under heaven; downward; pointing downward going downward; stooping down going down in<to> another place,= any place: going down into the grave— going down into misery= even Hell; coming down in lineage by royal descent, in a line by onitas59 one of the royal families of the Kings the of Egypt.
Iota toues63 Zip Zi:64 The land of Egypt which was first discovered by a woman <wh[i]le underwater>, and afterwards settled by her Sons she being a daughter of Ham— any land over flown with water— a land seen when overflown by water:— land overflown by the seasons, land by enriched by being overflown low marshy ground.
Su-e-eh-ni The same as the first.65
Hoeoophahphaheh Patriarchal government; or authority; a land governed according to the pattern or order given to the patriarchs or fathers; rules and laws <of a goverment> administered by the direction of Heaven or God. a people living under the law<s> of the gospel: or that law by which they may be sanctified and see the face of God. A priestly government; a government administered by the authority of the priesthood up or under the patriarchal: it sometimes means any priestly governments whether by the dierection of heaven or by the tradition of the heaven.
Zub Zool eh: In the days of the first patrarch<s> of In the reign of Adam; in the days of the first patriarchs; in the days of Nooh; in the blessings of Noah; in the blessings of the children of Noah; in the first blessings of men; in the first blessings of the church:
Zub eh67 Having been within= in the earth= in the sea; in any thing; b[e]ing applied to any condition or situation, to express one thing <or principle> or being in another.
Zub Zool eh: In the days of the first patrarch<s> of In the reign of Adam; in the days of the first patriarchs; in the days of Nooh; in the blessings of Noah; in the blessings of the children of Noah; in the first blessings of men; in the first blessings of the church:
Zub zool From the beinng [beginning] of the creation until now; pointing out or designating at the present time; having foreordained, or decreed or having before seen; For instance: Abraham haveing been chosen before was sent by commandment into the Land of Canaan: Having preached the gospel unto the heathen, was forewarned of God to go down into Ah=meh= strah,68 or Egypt, and preach the gospel <unto the> Ah meh strah ans;69
Zool— from any or some fixed period of time back to the beginning of creation showing the chronology of the patriarchs the right of the priesthood, and the l[i]neage through whom it shall be continu[e]d by promise, begining at Abraham signifying the promises made to Abraham saying through thy priests, or the seed of thy loins, shall the gospel shall be preached, unto all the seed meaning from Noah, and unto all the kindreds of the earth.70
Bethka— a more complete enjoyment— a more beautiful place in creasing in beauty This should have been inserted between Zub Zool oan and Iota