GAEL: The Third Degree, Part 2
Albeth. Angels or disembodied spirit or saints.
Alkubeth Ministers who are less sinful for want of power
Baeth Ko The fourth patriarch from Adam the r[i]ght of first born156
Beth Ki= The fourth place which will be a more fruitful garden; which will be a place of greater happiness157
Ebethka. The celestial Kingdom where God dwells158
De=eh,159 Another kingdom; the least of all kig over which Dah=Hah dees, or <the> king of Hell, cannot will not be permitted to exercise power at some fixed period.
Io=ho-hah oop: Tittle or dignity of one who is wait appointed to wait upon the king: one who is held in repute, trusty, honorable; who can be intrusted: The servant whom Abraham sent to get a wife for Isaac Most faithful: a tittle or dignity conferred upon women: a sign among the Egyptians that is used for influence or power: a sign made use of for one to escape his enemies: to excite commisseration, being had in honor, thereby affecting an escape.
Jah ni hah: One who will be delegated with redeeming power; who will be second in authority; a swift Messenger to go before; having redeeming power; one who will be second in authority;
Jah-oh=eh The earth under the government of an other <or the seconed> of the fixed stars, which is called Enish-go-an=dosh or in other words the power of attration it has with the earth.
Flo=ees: The moon— signifying its revolutions, also going between, thereby forming an eclipse
Flos-isis, The sun in its affinity with Earth and Moon— signifying their revolutions showing the power, the one has with the other
Kli flos isis= time from now unto some fixed period of time, or a thousand years one that is set a part, and chosen to be delegated, but is not yet authorised: one who is highly qualified to be delegated or authorized: or qualification
Kolob signifies the highest degree of power in government, pertaining to heavenly bodies,