GAEL: The Fourth Degree, Part 2
Alkabeth, angels in an unalterable and immortal State; men after they are raised from the dead, and translated unalterable state.151
Baeth— The name of all mankind, man or men
Baethku The fifth high priest from Adam
Ka<h>tu ain trieth:154 an other Kingdom. govrned by different laws. a second king. or governed by another, or second person not having been exalted.
Zipzi Iata155 veh. I saw five women
Io=ho=hah oop zipzi: The title or dignity of one who is appointed to wait on the Queen; one who is held in repute; trusty honorable; who can be intrusted; a tittle or dignity conferred upon women: a sign among the Egyptians that is used for influence or power: a sign made use of for one to escape his enemies; to excite commisseration; being had in honor thereby effecting an escape
Jah ni hah= one that with delegated and redeeming power, and second in authoraty; being a swift messenger going before, and having redeeming power, as second in authority: and stand next to on or on the right hand of power.
JJah-oh-eh— The earth and power of attra[c]tion it has with the third fixed star, which is called Kai=e ven-rahh rash.
Flo=ees. The moon in its revolutions with earth, showing or signifying the earth going between, thereby forming an eclipse
Flos-isis— The night degree of light— the cheering the face of Millions of planets
Kli floisis— Measurement of time: it is used to signify twenty <four> cubits of measurement and is increased or lessened according to the sign of the degrees.
Veh kli flos-isis, it signifies less power in its affinity with the first second third and fourth fixed stars, not having power to govern another, but having power in affinity with another to govern
Kolob it signifies first beginning to the bodies of this creation, the first creation, also having been appointed for the last time, the last or the eldest