GAEL: The First Degree, Part 2
Ahme=os= God without begining or end
Alkibeth minister of God under or the less166
Baethkee The first next from Adam, one one ordained under him, a patriarch or the right of the first born.167
Bethka— Another & larger place of residence made so by appointment. by extension of power; more pleasing, more beautiful: a place of more complete happiness, peace and rest for man.
Bethku=ain-tri=eth: The whole earth, or the largest place, the greatest enjoyment an earth the garden of the earth
Gahmel:— a fair prospect of anthing: Landscape; a place or country: face of The face of the country; beautiful scituated; an country under a promantory= a promising situation for man.
Jah=oheh: The earth including its affinity with the other planets;, with their govering powers: which are fifteen: the earth; the sun, and the <the> moon, first in their affinity; including one power.
moh nit-tish173 Flo ees: The moon in its affinity with the sun, and the earth.
Flos=isis: The King of day. or central moving planet, from which, those other gove[rn]ing moving planets receive their light.
Kliflosisis— signifies time— now, present, any messenger, being comissioned by supreme authority.
Vehklifloisis The fifth planet <fixed star> in its motion (namely) Limdi, whose motion, according to the cubit measure of time is twelve <six> days to one cubit.
Kolob in the first degree, It signifies the first great grand governing fixed Star which is the fartherest that ever has been discovered by the fathers which was discovered by Methuselar and also by Abraham