GAEL: The Fifth Degree, Part 2
Alkebeth, ministers of God, high priests, kings
Baethka. Adam or the first man, or first king
Beth, man’s The place appointed of God for the residence of Adam; Adam ondi= Ahman124 a fruit garden made to be fruitful, by blessing or promise; great valley or plain given by promise, fitted with fruit trees and precious flowers, made for the healing of Man. Good to the taste pleasing to the eye; sweet and precious <deligh[t]ful> to the smell; place of happiness— purity, holiness, and rest: even Zomah <Zomar>125 o◊in126 Zion
Kahtu=ain:129 Another Kingdom governed by different laws, composed of subjects who receive their place at a future period, and governed by those who are under the directions of another; a kingdom whose subject differ one from another <in glory>; who come not into the pres behold not the face of of God
Lish Zi hoe oop Iota: The glory of the celestial Kingdom: The connection of attributes; many parts perfected, and compounded into one Having been united; being united that which will be united, one glory above all other glories, as the the [sun?] excels in the130 light Moon in light, this glory excels being filled: with the same glory equaility
Jah=ho=e=oop; An ambassador: one delgated with Kingly power;131one authorized to ex[e]cute judgement for the King; a swift messenger one whose power cannot be escaped; one next to supreme;
Jah-oh-eh The earth134 under the governing <powers> of oliblish, Enish go on dosh, and Kai-e van rash, which are the grand governing key or in other words, the governing power, which governs the fifteen fixed stars <(twelve besides h◊◊◊s day)> that belong governs the earth, sun, & moon, (which have their power <in> one,) with the other twelve moving planets of this system. Oliblish=Enish go on dosh, and Kaie ven135 rash, are the three grand central stars which powers that govern all the other creations, which have been sought out by the most aged of all the fathers, since the begining of the creation, by means of the urim and Thummim:136 The names of the other twelve of the fixed stars are: Kolob, Limdi, Zip,137Vurel, Venisti, waine,138Wagoh=ox=oan,139 oansli, S◊eble Sheble140Shineflis, flis, o◊s ots.141 The Egyptian names142 of the fifteen moving planets are: Oan isis, Flos-isis, flo’ese: Abbesele, Ele ash, Sabble,143Slundlo, ear144 roam, Crash ma Kraw, obbles isem isim, Isinsbah Izinsbah. missel
Flo=ees The moon, the earth and the sun in their annual revolutions145
Flos isis— The highest degree of light, because its component parts are light. The gover[n]ing principle of light Because God has said Let this be the centre for light, and let there be bounds that it may not pass. He hath set a cloud round about in the heavens, and the light146 of the grand govering of <15> fixed stars centre there; and from there its is drawn, by the heavenly bodies according to the<i>r portions; according to the decrees that God hath set, as the bounds of the ocean, that it should not pass over as a flood, so God has set the bounds of light lest it pass over and consume the planets.147
Iata—22 see, saw seeing or having seen
Veh Kli flos-isis it signifies less power than the forth fixt governing star, but greater power than the sixth governing star fixt star, in consequ[e]nce of its slowness of motion
Kolob. signifies the first creation nearer to the celestial, or the residence of Lord, first in government, the last pertaining to the measurement of time, the measurement according according to celestial time which signifies, one day to a cubit which day is equal to a thousand years according to the measurement of this Eearth or Jah=oh=eh148