GAEL: Part 1, The Third Degree
No. 1 [2.15]
Beth— good to the taste, pleasing to the eye
No. 2 [1.14]
Iota— sight
No. 3 [1.18]
Zubzool oan— before some other time.
No. 4
Ki— sight
No. 5
Oan— Before some other time
No. 6
ash the compound of Zub Zool aon86
No. 7 [5.28]
Ah-broam. one who possesses great knowlege
No. 8
Kiahbroam: First rec<k>oned in chronololy= coming down from the begining First born right or blessings
No. 9 [3.15]
Iota nitahveh ah que= Its signification is increased from the second degree five times.
No. 10 [1.1]
Ahlish. Supreme power
No. 11 [1.2]
Phah=eh. Kingly <power,> or first king
Pha ah Havinng still greater dominion, or possesion or Power.
[1.4a, b]
Phah ho e oop an extension of power
Ho oop hah— Crown of a widowed queen
Zi Affability of manners, virtuous w[e]ll taught
Kah tou mun descent from her87 by whom Egypt was discovered while it was under water.
Zi oophah— a distinction by Pharoah a princess of Egypt.
Ho e oop— A prince of the line of the Pharoahs
Zip Zi— under or beneeath, second in right or in authority or Government, a fruitful place or fruitful vine
Auh eh— Earth and water
Toan tou=ee tah ee tah eh tou es: under the earth anything that is beneath some other thing— under water or water. also in some instances Fish
Iato92 I shall or will see that which is to come
Iota toues Zip Zi. The woman93 sought to settle her sons in that land. she being the daughter of Ham
Sueehni The same as the first94
Hoeoophahphaheh. A land Kingdom of or country, governed, by wise upright rulers or kings, or Judges,— good, excellent, and whole some laws
Zub=zool=eh: The earth in the begining; with its rivers, brooks and springs, with its blessings of fruit, trees and flowers, herbs and plants. beasts and birds
Zub eh: b[e]ing in or within
Zub pointing to that which is to come. pointing to any fixed period:
Zubzool pointing to the end of a fixed period a road which leads to Some particular place: for instance: from Chaldea I travelled to dwell in the land of Canaan95
Zool showing the denomination of languages and through what descent they came and are to continue by promise